A Doodle of an Oodle and a Dream to Spread Love



We are all Great Big kids at heart and our beautiful Oodle / four legged friends bring this out in us whether we are frolicking on the beach, snuggled up for cuddles or just hanging out being Cool.  Wearing these Fun, Quirky, Oodly clothes is a way to tap into your inner child no matter what your age or size... mini baby style or Older and fabulous!  

Beware though it comes with a warning, you will attract other  Oodle Lovers like a magnet.  So, if you want to make two legged and four legged friends you are in the perfect place here at

OOdle PAWn.

 I'm Lynne and this is Jimmy Boy, he's the inspiration for, and the heart of OODLE PAWn :)  After drawing  pages of doodles of Jimmy Boy one weekend to use in my future paintings, it has now turned into  an inspiring a Fun, Sassy,  casual designer range of clothing and accessories.


Jimmy Boy's beautiful heart and loving, healing and playful nature is at the essence of this Wonderful New Trending Brand. You too can become a member of the Global "SPREAD OODLES OF LOVE" Campaign" simply by sharing, caring and wearing OOdle PAWn on your heart or your back so people can see you coming and going.  It makes a beautiful unique gift too!


Please check out the designs and beautiful High-Quality products and if you would like anything personalised, please email me as I'd Love to create this for you too. 

Have a Fabulous day enjoying and spreading Love and Joy connecting with others along the way.  

OOdles of Love to you

Jimmy Boy n Lynne  X

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